Leonid Bunimovich
- "One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems and Benford's Law," (with A. Berger, T. Hill), Trans. of AMS 356 (2004).
- "Method of Stabilization of a Target Regime in Manufacturing and Logistics," in Nonlinear Dynamics of Production Systems (ed. by G. Radons, R. Neugebauer), Wiley, Weinheim (2004) 25-38.
- "Deterministic Walks in Random Environments," Physica D 187 (2004) 20-29.
- "Complexity of Dynamics as Variability of Predictability," (with R. Stoop, N. Stoop), J. Stat. Phys. 114 (2004) 1127-1137.
- "Walks in Rigid Environments: Symmetry and Dynamics," Asterisque 286 (2004) 231-248.
- ""Sistemi Dinamici" (with V. Afraimovich, J. Hale), Encycl. dell Scienza, vol. IX, La Grande Scienza (2003) 841-850.
- "Lorentz Gas Cellular Automata on Graphs," (with D. Kreslavsky), Theor-l Computer Sci. 306 (2003) 195-221.
- "One-Dimensional Lorentz Gas with Rotating Scatterers: Exact Solutions," (with M. Khlabystova), J. Stat. Phys. 112 (2003) 1207-1219.
- "Kinematics, Equilibrium and Shape in Hamiltonian Systems: The "LAB" Effect," Chaos 13 (2003) 903-912.
- "Multicomponent Dynamical Systems: SRB Measures and Phase Transitions," (with M. Blank) Nonlinearity 16 (2003) 387-401.
- "Absolute Focusing and Ergodicity of Billiards," Regular & Chaotic Dynamics 8 (2003) 15-28.
- "Walks in Rigid Environments: Continuous Limits," (with M. Khlabystova), J. Stat. Phys. 108 (2002) 905-925.
- "Lorentz Lattice Gases and Many-Dimensional Turing Machines," (with M. Khalbystova), in: Collision-Based Computing (ed. by. A. A. Adamatzky), Springer, London (2002) 443-467.
- "Some Estimates for 2-Dimensional Infinite and Bounded Dilute Random Lorentz Gases," (with C. Boldrighini, A. Pellegrinotti), J. Stat. Phys. 109 (2002) 729-746.
- "Mushrooms and Other Billiards with Divided Phase Space," Chaos 11 (2001) 1-7.
- "Motion of Particles in Random Median and Many-Dimensional Turing Machine," Multiple-Valued Logic 6 (2001) 463-482.
- "Localization and Propagation in Random Lattices," (with M. Khlabystova), J. Stat. Phys. 104 (2001) 1155-1171.
- "Lattice Dynamical Systems," in From Finite to Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems (ed. by J. C. Robinson, P. A. Glendinning), Kluwer, London (2001) 59-83.
- "Dynamical Systems and Operations Research: A Basic Model," Discr. & Cont's Dynamical Systems 1 (2001) 209-218.
- "Ising-Type and Other Transitions in One-Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices with Sign Symmetry," (with C. Boldrighini, G. Cosimi, S. Frigio, A. Pellegrinotti), J. Stat. Phys. 102 (2001) 1271-1284.
- "Dispersing, Defocusing and Astigmatism," Math. Education 5 (2001) 106-124 (in Russian).
- "Existence of Transport Coefficients," in: Lorentz and Hard Spheres Gas, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2001) 145-178.
- "Generic Origins of Irregular Spiking in Neocortical Networks," (with R. Stoop and W.-H. Steeb), Biol. Cybern. 83 (2001) 481-489.
- "Noise-Driven Neocortical Interaction: A Simple Generation Mechanism for Complex Neuron Spiking," (with R. Stoop and K. Schnider), Acta Biotheoretica, 48 (2000).
- "Neocortical Networks of Pyramidal Neurons," (with R. Stoop and K. Schnider), Nonlinearity, 13 (2000).
- "Walks in Rigid Environments," Physica A, 279, (2000).
- "Billiards and Other Hyperbolic Systems," Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Applications, 100, Springer (2000).
- "When Pyramidal Neurons Lock, When They Respond Chaotically, and When They Like to Synchronize," (with R. Stoop and K. Schnider), Neuroscience Res., 36 (2000).
- "Self-Organization and Propagation in Random Media," (with P. Grosfils, J.P. Boon and E.G.D. Cohen), J. Stat. Phys., 97 (1999).
- "Controlling Production Lines," in "Handbook of Chaos Control" (ed. by H. Schuster), Wiley - VCH (1999).
- "Dynamics of Two and Three-Worker Production Lines," (with J. Bartholdi and D. Eisenstein), Operations Research, 47 (1999).
- "Inhibitory Connections Enhance Pattern Recurrence in Networks of Neocortical Pyramidal Cells," (with R. Stoop and K. Schindler), Neuroscience Res., 36 (1999).
- "Space-time Chaos in Spatially Continuous Systems," Physica D 131 (1999).
- "How High-Dimensional Stadia Look Like," (with J. Rehacek), Commun. Math. Phys., 197 (1998).
- "On the Ergodicity of High-dimensional Focusing Billiards," (with J. Rehacek), Am. Inst. H. Poincare, 68 (1998).
- "Localized Solutions in Lattice Systems and Bifurcations Caused by Spatial Interactions," (with D. Turaev), Nonlinearity 11 (1998).
- "Nowhere Dispersing 3D Billiards with Nonvanishing Lyapunov Exponents," (with J. Rehacek), Commun. Math. Phys., 189 (1997).
- "On Localization of Vorticity in Lorentz Gases," J. Stat. Phys., 87 (1997).
- "Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Ergodic Theory," in "Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems," (ed. by E. Infield et al), Cambridge Univ. Press (1997).
- "On Stability of Structure and Patterns in Extended Systems," (with V. Franceschini, C. Gilbert and C. Vernia), Physica D 103 (1997).
- "Dynamics of Spatial Averages," (with M. Jiang), Chaos, 7 (1997).
- "Coupled Map Lattices: Some Topological and Ergodic Properties," Physica D 103 (1997).
- "On New Mechanism of Transition to Chaos in Lattice Dynamical Systems," (with S. Venkatagiri), Physics Reports, 290 (1997).
- "Stable Chaotic Waves Generated by Hyperbolic PDEs," (with A. Babin), Nonlinearity, 9 (1996).
- "Many-Dimensional Lorentz Cellular Automata and Turing Machines," Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 6 (1996).
- "Chaotic Focusing Billiards in Higher Dimensions" (with G. Casati, I. Guarneri), Phys. Rev. Let., 77 (1996).
- "Onset of Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices via the peak-crossing Bifurcation," (with S. Venkatagiri), Nonlinearity, 9 (1996).
- "Viscosity for a Periodic Two Disk Fluid: An Existence Proof" (with H. Spohn), Commun. Math. Physics, 176 (1996).